Silverback Mileposts
The Milepost platform can be used as a district or schools data aggregator from all solutions in place making the personalized path to success easy to plan out on the individual level.

Personalized Learning Plans
Tailor for academic need or learner type for any district or school need via customizable templates.

Longitudinal Learning Portfolio
Testing accommodations & designated supports can be shared and maintained across assessment platforms.

Multi Tiered Intervention System (MTSS/RTI)
A customizable platform providing real-time data that supports teams needs for effective decision making.

Parent Portal
Bring parents into the loop with login access to their students learning plans, assessment scores, interventions, strategies, and current progress.
Spotlighted Initiatives
A powerful solution enabling districts to effectively engage in and deliver on key initiatives.
- K-3 Plans & Interventions
- ELL/ELA Programs
- MS/HS Differentiated Lessons
- Multi-tiered System of Supports
- Project Based Learning Plans
- In-Depth Analytics & Insights
- Behaviour Support
- “Whole Child” Eco-System

Student Parent Portal
Parents can view learning plans, assessment scores, and the latest intervention strategies & progress for every student in the family.
Students can receive and study Gooru assignments and view learning plans.
Discover our best ever services.
Districts have ultimate control over the Mileposts functions and data that parents and students can access.

Efficacy Study:
The Boise State University conducted study Presented information about the effectiveness Of Mileposts utilizing public data collected from the Idaho State department of Education to investigate Whether a whole district’s use of Mileposts software Was an effective way to improve student achievement And college readiness.